Saturday, September 12, 2009

I Just Want to Break Even

-Richard Manuel.

I bid in these last posts Adieu to Charlottesville, a Burg that has play'd Host long enough to me. Henceforth I hie to the Mountains, & will continue my sundry Reflections on that part of VIRGINIA closest to me

As yet in the Offing remain a Chaucerian Paean to Womankind, an Inquiry into the Finer Causes of Indigestion, a comparison of the meritorious Poetts, A. Pope & J. Donne, & the further Adventures of Goodman Stubb, Manservant & Valet to the humbl'st Lord about - Epaph. Bainton.

Write yr Suggestions, & yr humble Scribbler shall assay yr various topoi; for the greek is to me as French is to others - a second Home, a Turret of Wisdom.

& for now - Hie & away, to Drink!


Decisions and Revisions said...

Where are you going, and under what circumstances?

Decisions and Revisions said...

What news have you of the upcoming election of governor in Virginia? Will Virginia serve as a bellwether for the rest of country?